Welcome to your Webinar Programme Health Check - Questionnaire




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Section 1 - Preparation

How confident are you that you are setting up webinars correctly and to best of the webinar platform’s potential?
Do you use your own checklist to follow a setup process for webinars?
Are you using any time-saving, repeatable, and/or automated processes to prepare your webinars?

Do you have enough content to run the number/volume of webinars you want to run?
Do you have enough staff to organise and run the webinar programme?
Is there a full-time person or team in charge of the webinar programme?
How would you rate the level of webinar knowledge of your webinar programme manager/team?
Wihch area(s) could this knowledge be improved?

Section 2 - Promotion

How long do you promote your webinars for on average (in weeks)?
How often do you promote your webinars on average (in number of email sends)?
Are you able to segment your contact database according to your target audiences?
Do you feel your database of contacts is large enough to enable sufficient segmentation and promotion?
Which promotional channels do you regularly use to promote your webinars? (choose all that apply on a regular basis)

Do you run co-marketing webinars with other organisations?
Could you run more webinar promotion, given more time or resources?

Do you actively promote on-demand versions of your live webinars?

Section 3 - Delivery

On average, how many webinars does your organisation currently run per month?
Is your organisation running as many webinars as it had anticipated when it first started?

On average, how many webinars would you like to run per month?
Are you running webinars on the topics/content you had planned, or only on what is available?
Do you get the webinar speakers you want, or only those that are available?
How consistently do you use the same location/venue to run your webinars?
Do you typically use the same times/weekdays to run webinars?

Section 4 - Participation

What is your average webinar attendance (not counting registrants who didn't attend)?
Are you achieving the webinar attendance you expect?

On the whole, is your webinar attendance increasing, decreasing or level?
What conversion rate are you seeing (on average) from webinar registrations to actual attendees?
Do you track and measure the conversion rate from registration page hits to actual registrations?
Do your presenters/moderators encourage and prompt participants to actively engage throughout the entire webinar (for example by encouraging questions, running polls, making downloadable content available, providing a hashtag for the webinar etc)?

Section 5 - Results

Are you measuring the sales pipeline generated from webinars?
Are you measuring the revenue generated from webinars?
For what purpose do you run webinars?

What, for your organisation, is a successful outcome of your webinar programme?
Are you able to measure the success of your webinar programme?

Section 6 - Perception & Acceptance (internally & externally)

What is the highest level of leadership in your organisation that is fully aware of the webinar programme? (e.g. C-level/Board, VP, Director, Manager)
Which is the highest level of leadership that your webinar programme has active buy-in / support from? (e.g. C-level/Board, VP, Director, Manager)
On the whole, is your webinar programme perceived internally as a value-add activity?

On the whole, is your webinar programme perceived internally as being of lower, the same or higher value than other comparable activity?
How is your webinar programme perceived outside your organisation? (Better, same or worse than the competition's webinar programmes)
Are the majority of your webinar speakers internal or external to your organisation?
Since its creation, has the internal priority your webinar programme ever been downgraded (officially or unofficially)?

Section 7 - Alignment (with your department and rest of organisation)

Do you promote your webinars internally, even if they are for external audiences?
Do you generate other content pieces from your webinars (e.g. blog posts, videos etc)?

Can webinars be created/used by various departments/divisions with the organisation?
How many teams/departments/divisions can access your webinar programme to run their own webinars?
How many teams/departments/divisions actually use webinars?
Do all teams/departments/divisions use the webinar programme equally?

Are webinars a regular part of your organisation’s content marketing strategy?

Section 8 - Integration (with systems)

Do you integrate webinar registration with your marketing automation, CRM, or LMS system? (select all that apply)

Are your webinar analytics seamlessly feeding into your other systems?
Starting from the end of a live webinar, how long does it typically take for a hot webinar lead to reach the sales team for follow-up?

Section 9 - Evaluation

What would make your life as the webinar programme manager easier?
What is the one single thing that would improve your webinar programme?
What is preventing you from running more webinars?
Is your webinar platform what you expected it to be before you purchased it?
If today was your webinar platform contract renewal date, what would your first thought be?
If today was the half-way point of your webinar contract, what would be your assessment of the programme?